The Indian Premier League (IPL) 2020 auction was conducted in Kolkata, the event witnessed compelling bidding wars that unfolded a whopping success of Rs. 140.30 crore being spent on the players.
The inaugural champions — Rajasthan Royals of the IPL have been unable to reach the finals since their dream championship win in 2008. The franchise is looking forward to turning the tables around this season, and plan on making a neat comeback on the grounds. The RR retained players who are also all-rounder’s compatriot, Jos Butler, and including the hero of ICC World Cup 2019, Ben Stokes. The squad has filled all the 11 spots they had in the auctions, and the RR players list include, Steve Smith, Shreyas Gopal, and Robin Uthappa. The franchise has likewise spent 2.40 crore on Mumbai underdog Yashasvi Jaiswal.
The table above contains the complete list of RR squad 2020, new players bought in auction and a complete final list of players in the team.