WWE is home to a number of superstars that have made their mark in the heart of all the WWE fans around the world with their unending charisma and breathtaking moves in the WWE ring. On the other hand, all these superstars have had their good and bad times over the years in their career but there’s only a few of them, which have lived up to their legacy during every single minute spent in the WWE ring. Brock Edward Lesnar, the beast incarnate, is one of those legendary names in the WWE roster who are still one of the most loved and followed WWE superstar in the history of the entertainment sport.
Although Lesnar did leave WWE for some time in order to follow his passion in UFC, he did make a comeback last year after signing a big contract with WWE in the process. Even though there may be few fans who might dispute his domination in WWE, let’s take a look at 5 reasons which prove that Brock Edward Lesnar is a real beast in WWE.
#1 His Reputation in WWE
Ever since he made his debut in WWE a decade back, Brock Lesnar has created his own reputation in the WWE ring for being ruthless beats that don’t care for anybody except feeding his ego and ambitions. Moreover, his persona has been projected in such a manner by WWE which perfectly made him a cruel and merciless wrestler who loves demolishing his fellow opponents like a rag doll.
To get a better look around about the same, we can take a step back in the history where he has single-handedly destructed numerous WWE legends like Undertaker, Goldberg, Big show and many more. None has ever been able to counter his attack and ruthlessness and his presence in the WWE ring has always been there for all the other players in the WWE roster. He doesn’t even care who is their upfront and feel no mercy while attempting his F5 and Suplex to all the fellow performers. You can just look at his physique and compare him with other performers and that will give you a better idea of what really we are talking about.
#2 His Intense Workout Plan and Diet
Brock Lesnar belongs to a rural area in South Dakota in the USA and there he learned about all his hard work, strong mental strength and sheer power. Even when he was competing in high school wrestling competitions, he used to go through a unique diet and workout plan specially designed by him in order to boost his strength, power, and endurance on the ring. Whilst there weren’t any workout equipment and gym facilities around his native place, he used to work out with the equipment borrowed from the Diary farm nearby to his place.
It was only when he started featuring as a professional wrestler when he started the high-end cardiovascular regime in order to increase his overall stamina and power to perform on the ring. His workout regime constitutes 4 days which includes 2 sessions per day. Whilst the morning sessions include the wrestling and fighting techniques practice, the evening regime is meant for doing heavy weight training and body conditioning mostly. On the other side, his diet is not also just about protein shakes and various other supplements, he intakes real organic food right from the farms nearby area in order to feed his body and brain. Now that certainly makes him a real beast with the real diet and workout!
#3 His Achievement and Accomplishment in WWE
You don’t really need to think much whilst you are mentioning the long list of Brock Lesnar’s accomplishments and achievements in WWE and he has achieved almost everything in his decade long career in the WWE. He has been an NCAA champion, the WWE heavyweight champion, WWE champion and also a U8FC champion. All along with his career in WWE, he has been known as a ruthless superstar who takes utmost pleasure in beating down his opponents just for fun. Everyone remembers the Wrestle mania 30 where he beat down the Undertaker and ended his undefeated streak in Wrestle mania with utmost dominance. Not only he demolished the iconic superstar with all his power and arrogance, but he has also ruled the match and the whole event every single second in the process.
Even when he made a comeback in WWE, most of the people thought that its time over for his domination but he once again proved them wrong by nailing down famous superstars like John Cena, Seth Rollins, Roman reigns, CM Punk and many others. Lesnar is still going nice and hard with all that domination and we can only say that he is one of the only WWE superstars who are there with some kind of legacy to their name.
#4 He is a Fan Favorite
It doesn’t matter whether Lesnar is making a 5-minute appearance or a full-on fight in the WWE ring, fans just love to see him every other day in the WWE shows. Although his appearances have been rare in the past few years due to his busyness with his UFC challenge, he has still been able to maintain that charm and attraction amongst all the WWE fans around. You can simply ask any of the WWE fans around about the most impact-full wrestler currently in the WWE ring and you will only get one name, Brock Edward Lesnar.
Brock has literally gained all that popularity and attention from his unbinding charisma and persona on the WWE ring and he has always been preserved for some special events for the same reason by the WWE management. One can simply feel the adrenaline rush once his entry theme song gets played during any of the live events and this certainly sums up the level of his thrill he brings with his presence in WWE.
#5 One of the Few Wrestlers from the Attitude Era
Attitude era was the time when WWE and its popularity were as its peak and the fans didn’t get to witness the same fun and thrill nowadays. Having said that, we can also quote that not every wrestler around brings you the same feel and excitement with their presence like the old school superstars i.e. Stone cold, The Rock, Triple H and so on. Brock Edward Lesnar has certainly carried the baton in his hand and currently stands as one of the only superstars with some hint of that old school wrestling persona whilst coming on to feature in any of the WWE events.
You can simply find it evident whilst listening to the huge cheer and chants from the crowd whenever he enters the ring for any of the live WWE shows.