While most of us used to be a hardcore WWE fans in our childhood, there’s hardly anyone now who is paying that much attention to one of the biggest brands in the Sports entertainment history. Although we do have our very own random reasons for not liking the Sport anymore, there is a big reason altogether for millions of others in the same perspective. WWE has lost its charm, something which used to be a part and parcel of its weekly shows and pay per view events. So while we are talking about all those factors for its downfall over the past few years, lets list down top 10 reasons which caused WWE saw a huge fall in their Television ratings.
WWE Specials isn’t “Special “anymore!
Gone are the days when we used to wait for a WWE special event like Royal Rumble, Summer slam and Wrestle mania for a month or two. Nowadays, we get to witness a WWE main event every 15 days or month. Moreover, whilst the number of same events used to be 11 or 12 few years back during the attitude era, same stands at more than 20 main events in a year.
Amongst all the WWE pay per views, only Wrestle mania, Royal Rumble, Survivor series and summer slam are some of the events which are attracting enough audience worldwide and rest of them are really struggling to thrive alongside.
Over –Reliance on the past WWE Superstars
Another reason for WWE’s downfall can be quoted as its over- dependency on the legendary superstars from the past like The Rock, The Undertaker, Hulk Hogan and many more. We can literally witness older superstars in most of the main events like Wrestle mania than the recent ones and that’s something which confirms that the current WWE structure lacks all the intensity and charm to attract the Global fan base.
WWE really have to look beyond repeating the same old recipe amongst their fan base and must give a chance to the current roster of young superstars to prove their worth on the biggest stages in order to infuse some fresh life into the dying concept.
The Dirty Politics
Quite interestingly, the criteria for progression in the WWE in the attitude era used to be pure dedication and hard core efforts and that was something which has produced many stars in the past like Bret Hart, Stone cold Steven Austin and many more. All these superstars have earned their legacy while pushing themselves harder in the WWE arena, day in and out.
On the other hand, most of the superstars from the current roster gets pushed or featured mainly due to their reasonable connections with the so called “Powers” of WWE. This is something which has made many Rookies who have been loved by the audience at large, to disappear in the darkness of “Lack of Opportunities”. Ryback, Cody Rhodes, Dolph Ziggler are some of the names in the same context.
Excessive Content
During the early 90s WWE used to comprise of only 4-5 hours of programming on a weekly basis while including shows like WWF superstars, Wrestling challenge, All American wrestling and Prime time most of the times.
Talking about now, their weekly programming time exceeds 14- 15 hours with random shows like Main event, Superstars, Total Divas and Total bellas along with the main shows like Monday Night Raw and Smack down live. This has made fans getting overloaded with too much content in the process which has brought that boredom factor in the picture.
Bad Storylines
Although WWE is more about those breathtaking moves and exciting matches within the square ring, there’s much more to it which gets prepared at the backstage and famously known as “Story lines”. During the attitude era, we get to witness interesting storylines which used to run for weeks and months. There were feuds, brawls and everything involved between the superstars which has draw all the audience into the WWE arena.
Nowadays, it all has come down to repetitive storylines with no fun and interest attached to it. We can see superstars getting involved with each other on one show and switching to another on the next episode. There’s hardly any definition to the conflicts, brawls, feuds, matchups and all other events in the process.
Unwanted Brand Awareness
It was during the attitude era, when WWE was all about its fans and the entertainment it serves to them during the process. there was least or negligible amount of marketing or branding involved during the same period and even when it comes to showcase the charitable acts of WWE, that was been done in a quite yet, impressive manner.
Ever since Stephanie McMahon took over the charge of the Chief branding officer in 2013, most of its shows and pay per views sounds more like a marketing event of their corporate brand. This hasn’t gone too well with the audience and left most of them miffed over the same.
Nothing much for the new Audience
Although most of the loyal viewers would be able to correlate to the Rookies getting featured in the Raw or Smack down events, there’s hardly anything in the content to keep the new viewers engaged for a long time. Eventually, they are left with no other option but to switch to either UFC or TNA wrestling where even the rookies have been presented with more preparations and background.
Growing Irrelevance of the Weekly Shows
If you are an ardent WWE fan, you must agree to the fact that there’s hardly any interest left in the weekly dose of WWE like RAW or Smack down. Rivalries which gets developed on one show doesn’t end up anywhere in the next one. That’s why most of us prefer watching Monthly Pay per view nowadays and doesn’t left with any interest with the weekly ones anymore.
Constant downfall of the Divas Section
Ever since the likes of Trish stratus and Lita have left the WWE, the Divas roster has seen a big downfall in the WWE arena. People are mostly un-interested in the current WWE Divas roster and same can be seen while witnessing a huge drop in the television ratings of shows like Total divas or Total Bellas.
The Growth of World Wide Web
The Growing spectrum of internet along with its easy accessibility to millions of users worldwide in the recent years has hit the WWE television ratings to a great extent. People have got easy access to all the pre-show spoilers and results and they have also watched most of the pay per view events without paying any extra penny through widely available torrents and online portals.
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