Chennai Super Kings (CSK) posted a video on Twitter on Saturday, June 13, 2023, paying tribute to their captain, MS Dhoni. The video, which is just over 33 seconds long, features clips of Dhoni’s career with CSK, from his early days to his recent success in leading the team to their fifth Indian Premier League (IPL) title. The video features his whole journey in the 2023 season league.
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The video begins with a montage of Dhoni’s early days with CSK when he was a young wicketkeeper-batsman who was just starting to make a name for himself in the Indian cricket team. The video then cuts to clips of Dhoni’s captaincy, showing how he led CSK to victory in the 2010, 2011, 2018, and 2023 IPL finals.
The video ends when Dhoni finishes off the ladder to upwards, which is labeled as his career in the video. The video consists of moments of Dhoni from different seasons of the league. The 33 seconds video, “Oh Captain’ My Captain” starts off with Dhoni climbing the long starts, compiled by moments of him on the ground. The video showcases his journey from low to high.
Watch Video Posted by CSK for MS Dhoni
Oh Captain, My Captain! 🥹#WhistlePodu #Yellove 🦁💛 @msdhoni
— Chennai Super Kings (@ChennaiIPL) June 13, 2023
The video has been viewed over 1 million times on Twitter, and it has received thousands of comments from fans who are praising Dhoni for his leadership and his contributions to CSK. One supporter said, “Thank you for everything, Thala.” “You’ll always be our captain,”
Among all cricket captains in history, Dhoni has had the greatest success. He led India to victory in the 2007 World T20 and the 2011 World Cup, and he also led CSK to five IPL titles. He is a true legend of the game, and he will be missed by fans of CSK and Indian cricket alike.