Are you addicted to popular Multiplayer Mobile games which include- Call of Duty Mobile, BGMI wants to pursue this game as a professional it is extremely important to understand the accessories which are required to excel at the highest level.
Let us reveal the 7 best mobile gaming accessories which are required to play in games like BGMI, and Call of Duty Mobile in detail:
- Realme Mobile Game Controller
- Razer Kashi
- Wasp 2 Gamepad
- iPega PG 9099 Controller
- FlyDigi Q1 Dongle
- Realme 10,000 mAh power bank
- Realme Cooling back flip
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Let me elaborate some of these accessories in detail:
- Realme Mobile Game Controller: It helps you to make use of your index fingers while playing as most of the controllers doesn’t involve the presence of index fingers. This feature enables your thumb to move crosshair without interrupting the gunshots. The best part about the trigger it is adjustable can promptly run of Android and iPhone devices.
Price: INR 999
- Razer Kishi: If you are looking for some serious gaming you must go for Razer Kishi probably touted as one of the best game controllers for mobile. It offers similar design to the Nintendo Switch i.e. receiving controller on both sides of the device. It is compatible with all Android and IOS devices.
Price: INR 9,321.
- Realme Cooling Back Flip: It cools down your phone when you playing BGMI or any Heavy game so to avoid excess heating you should consider buying Realme Cooling Back Flip and it will immediately bring the device temperature down with dual cooling system feature. It can be easily placed on Android and IOS device.
Price: 1,799.
- Realme 10,000 mAh Power Bank: If you are playing games for long and probably playing deathmatch competition and your battery dies down you need power bank for backup in case of mobile gaming Realme 10,00 mAh will rescue and what makes it different to other device it is a two way quick change support. It is easier to carry along with the thickness of 12.55 mm .
Price: 1,200
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