The Tendulkar family held a special IPL 2023 game against Kolkata Knight Riders since Arjun, the youngest member of the family, made his debut in the premier T20 league. The first father-son team to compete in the IPL is currently Arjun and Sachin Tendulkar. After his debut, Arjun received congratulations on social media from former teammates and famous people. Arjun bowled two left-arm speed overs for KKR in the game, giving up 17 runs.
There was one particular request that stood out among the barrage of others because it was unique. “Good job, @mipaltan!” Seeing Tendulkar back in the MI lineup is also fantastic. Congratulations on your debut, #ArjunTendulkar. After Arjun’s IPL debut, Abhishek Bachchan tweeted, “@sachin_rt must be extremely proud.
Sachin Tendulkar responded by thanking Bachchan and said that the actor was “probably the first one” to encounter Arjun’s bowling.
Thank you, Abhishek…and this time, a Tendulkar opened the bowling instead of batting.
Also, you were probably the first one to face his bowling when we used to play below our building! 😄— Sachin Tendulkar (@sachin_rt) April 18, 2023
And this time, a Tendulkar opened the bowling rather than the batting. Thank you, Abhishek. When we used to play underneath our building, you were probably the first one to face his bowling!” Tweets from Sachin
Sachin also sent a touching message on social media. “Arjun, today you took another significant milestone in your development as a cricket player. As your parent, someone who cares deeply about you and the game, I am confident that you will continue to treat it with the respect it merits, and the game will return the favour. The first line of the tweet stated, “(1/2).
You put a lot of effort into getting here, and I have no doubt that you will put in more. This is the beginning of a lovely adventure. The second portion of the tweet from the former India opener concluded, “All the best!