If you look around a country that has developed immensely in terms of winning medals at the Olympics one name will significantly appear in your mind and that will be China.
A Country that has turned out to be a powerhouse in the Olympics in terms of winning medals either finishing at first or second position in the overall medal tally but the question arises how come they have developed their sporting structure so fastly that they are yielding results at Olympics which rest of the developing nation would dream about. There are several reasons responsible for that growth let’s address them in detail.
- In China, almost all sports are considered equal and students are encouraged to spend some time in sports from their school level.
- All the Sports have associations that are not funded by politicians but the ones who are retired sportsperson who understand the nuances of the game inside out.
- Recently the Chinese Government passed a law which clearly stated that Sports will be compulsory at schools and College.
- If you do some research you will find out that apart from them being an autocratic nation along with Superior infrastructure and centralized programs sponsored by the state contributes heavily in their result at Olympics.
- Since 1984, China has won 284 Gold Medals at the Olympics but the fact we are sharing with you next will make you surprise as 75 percent of those gold medals came only in six sports domains and they are Table Tennis, Badminton, Diving, Weightlifting, Gymnastics, and Shooting.
- This clearly indicates that the Chinese government target some specific sports, builds infrastructure around them, scouts talent early, and transforms those athletes as world-beaters.
- The other thing which has helped China in churning more medals in Olympics is their far-sightedness which most of the developing nations lack at the moment.
- They identify kids who are talented and they undergo rigorous training programs from starting so that their body is prepared for the challenges that they are going to face in years to come.
- They train for 365 days and that is their power of success which is not highlighted that much on Western media.
- Sports in China are seen as national pride right from picking the talent to investing in them at an early stage in order to bring glory at International stage speaks a volume about top-down sporting structure that they have instilled at the moment.