“Breakfast with Champions” is a popular talk show hosted by Gaurav Kapur, where he engages in light-hearted and insightful conversations with prominent sports personalities. One such memorable episode featured the legendary Indian cricketer, Virender Sehwag. Known for his explosive batting style and witty sense of humor, Sehwag shared intriguing stories about his time with Sachin Tendulkar and Sourav Ganguly.
From the moment Virender Sehwag took a seat on the “Breakfast with Champions” couch, the atmosphere was filled with excitement and anticipation. Known for his straight-talking nature, Sehwag’s presence promised an episode filled with unfiltered anecdotes and unforgettable moments.
One of the stories he told was about Dada (Sourav Ganguly). “Once I and Sachin Tendulkar thought to prank with Dada and at that time I and Sachin were brand ambassadors of Adidas,” Sehwag explained. We devised a plan, and when Dada went to the washroom, we both stood outside the washroom and pretended to mutter and said to each other, “What a wonderful T-Shirts of Adidas from Germany has arrived,” and after hearing this, Dada called Adidas and asked that they send me the T-shirts as well, and after that, a call from Adidas came to me and Sachin and asked, “Which special T-shirts did we send you?” Sehwag laughed as he recounted the amusing incident.
Virender Sehwag’s conversation with Gaurav Kapur on “Breakfast with Champions” proved to be a delightful and insightful experience. The show not only offered glimpses into Sehwag’s incredible cricketing journey but also provided valuable life lessons and moments of laughter.