The wedding of Bollywood actress Athiya Shetty and Indian cricketer KL Rahul is reportedly scheduled to take place on January 23. With images and videos of the location where the two will exchange vows appearing online, the event has generated a lot of interest on social media. Celebrities and fans have been sending the couple their best wishes on social media.
There are rumours that a large guest list is in place and that the wedding would take place at Sunil Shetty’s Khandala Farmhouse, despite the fact that the pair hasn’t released an official statement on the topic. KL Rahul’s Palli Hill home in Mumbai also had previously been lit up.
According to reports, Athiya Shetty and KL Rahul started dating in 2019. Their social media posts frequently trend.
KL Rahul's Pali house is all decorated with lights ahead of the wedding with Athiya Shetty.#KLRahul
— DRINK CRICKET (@Drink_Cricket) January 22, 2023
The Indian men’s cricket team is now engaged in a bilateral match against New Zealand, so it makes sense that the players won’t be able to attend Rahul’s wedding.
According to the reports, the couple plans to host their wedding celebration following the end of the Indian Premier League (IPL) 2023, which is anticipated to take place in April or May. According to a friend close to the couple, “given the demanding cricket schedules, a wedding bash has been planned for the film industry and cricket bigwigs when the IPL concludes in May.”
Finally.. The wedding day is here! ❤️#KLRahul | #AthiyaShetty | @klrahul
— Kunal Yadav (@kunaalyaadav) January 23, 2023
Sunil Shetty had responded to a question from the media on Sunday by saying ”Please take care and we’ll be here. Our children will be arriving tomorrow, I appreciate you all for the love showered.