Indian prime minister Narendra Modi interacted with Skipper Virat Kohli in a Fit India session held today via video conference. Where Kohli talked about Yo-Yo Test which has helped Indian cricket team to attain maximum fitness before and after the match.
He replied on the question that was asked by Honourable Prime Minister Modi about the role of Fitness in sportspersons life and how they keep themselves fit.
The interactive session between Prime Minister and Fitness experts was organized on one year eve of Fit India Campaign that was started by Indian government to keep everyone fit and healthy last year.
As Yo-Yo test is a gruelling routine where two sets of cones are involved that are 20 metres apart. Once the beep is sounded the athlete has to reach the marker on the other side by the time next beep sounds and then they have to turn back from where they first started before the third beep.
The test is not easy to complete as the frequency of beeps keeps changing with time and the one who is not fit will not be able to cope up with the timings.
Virat Kohli said while talking to Prime Minister that he is the one who starts the test first and if he fails he is also not considered for selection despite being the captain. Then rest of the team will go for the test and it is very important that we develop such a culture as without fitness you cannot play the game as the game has become highly professional in last few years.
A video was posted on Prime Minister official Twitter handle which states “A conversation on fitness with one of the most fit icons of today-the phenomenal@imVkohli!”.
A conversation on fitness with one of the most fit icons of today- the phenomenal @imVkohli!
He also spoke about food, Yo-Yo Test and more… #NewIndiaFitIndia
— Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) September 24, 2020
The session where Virat Kohli was interacting with PM Modi was attended by other sports personalities like Paralympic Gold Medalist Devendra Jhajharia and Jammu and Kashmir women’s footballer Afshan Ashiq.