All-rounder Hardik Pandya of India and his wife Natasa Stankovic recently renewed their vows. Prior to being married during the COVID-19 lockdown, the couple got engaged on a cruise on January 1, 2020. The couple welcomed a kid named Agastya later that year. Now, Hardik posted some photos of himself, his wife Natasa, and their son Agastya on Monday. The three appeared to be enjoying some family time in the photos that Hardik Pandya posted on Instagram.
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Speaking on professional life, Hardik will rejoin the Indian team for the three-match ODI series against Australia that begins on March 17. He will be the team’s captain for the opening match because regular skipper Rohit Sharma will be unable to play because of “family responsibilities,” the BCCI said in a release on Sunday.
Recently, Hardik has been in charge of the Indian T20I team. There are rumours that he is being considered as a long-term candidate for the T20I format captaincy. Everyone’s opinion of him as captain significantly improved after he guided the Gujarat Titans of the Indian Premier League to victory in 2022.
Hardik has skillfully developed over the years into a brilliant all-rounder who can bowl at over 140 kmph, play quick-fire runs, and hold the fort when necessary.