Volleyball Rules & Regulations
Volleyball is a famous American team sport played by two teams each having six players each. Each team tries their best to score points by grounding the ball on the opponent’s court. Volleyball has been the part of the summer Olympics for quite a long time.
In this game the player uses their hand, fist to hit the ball and pass it over the net and try their best so that the opponent is unable to hit the ball and resultant it touches the ground. the opponent in order to prevent them from scoring points, the opponent tries their best to hit or bat the ball with their hand.
The volleyball can be thrown on the opposite side by a single hit of the hand or it can be passed across by the third teammate who valleys or hit the ball across the net. A team is only allowed to touch the ball thrice before it is returned over to the opponent’s arena. A ball cannot be touched but the same player thrice.
# Volleyball Court Dimensions, Team Formation and Techniques
Volleyball requires minimum space and equipment to be played both in indoor and outdoors. The minimum things required is a net a ground and most importantly a ball. The ground on which volleyball is played on a smooth surface of 9-meter (30 feet) length, 18-meter (60 feet) width. The ground is divided into two equal parts by a center line. Each half is allotted to a team. The players of the team are not allowed to step beyond the center line while the game is on.
Each team has six players, 3 forward players while 3 backcourt players. The back players are allotted a space of their own that is 3 meters from the center line and they are not allowed to drive the ball beyond that line. A net is stretched across the court exactly above the centerline. The net separates both the team and no player are allowed to go beyond that line. The official height of the net is 2.4 meter for men while 2.2 meters for women. The ball used in volleyball is around 260 to 280 gms (9 to 10 ounces) and inflated to about 65 cm (25.6 inches) in circumferences.
A service area, 3-meter (10 feet) long is marked outside and behind the right one-third of each court end-line. A player starts the game by volleying the ball from the service area and that starts the game. Then the ball is passed on between the players of each team and the team which fails to volley back the ball into the opponent’s area gives a point to the opponent. The serving area in Olympic in 9 meters (30 feet) and the servicing is made within or behind this area. An area of 2 meters is a cleared around the entire court and 8 meters above of the net is kept free for the free movement of the ball and the players without any interferences.
- The game starts when the right-back player of the serving team steps outside his end line and enter the serving area and bats the ball with his/her hand, fist or arm over the net into the opponent’s area, half of the court.
- The opponents return the ball and the serves continue.
- A player cannot touch the ball twice in a single service and no more than 3 contacts with the ball by the players of a team are allowed in the game.
- The objective of the game is to send the ball over the net into the opposing team area so that they are unable to return back the ball.
- Another thing must be kept in mind that the ball must clear net on a serve.
- A game is played to 21 points or some other agreed-upon number.
- The team that wins the best two out of three games wins the match.
- When the ball is served no one is allowed to touch the ball.
# Volleyball History
The game of volleyball was introduced by William G Morgan in the year 1895 by the physical director of YMCA (Young Men’s Christian Association) in Holyoke, Massachusetts. It started as an indoor game for businessmen because the outdoor form of the game becomes too vigorous for them. Morgan called the sport “Mintonette” until a professor from Springfield College coined the name Volleyball. There is wide popularity of this sports in both sexes in school, playgrounds, the armed forces and other organizations in the USA and later it spread to different countries.
The rules of volleyball were issued jointly by the YMCA and the National Athletic Association (NCAA). The first nationwide tournament was conducted in the United States by the National YMCA Physical Education Committee in New York City in 1922. The US Volleyball Association (USVBA) was formed in 1928 and was recognized as the new rulemaking, the governing body in the United States. The USA Volleyball (USAV) now USVBA has conducted annual national men’s and senior men’s volleyball championship throughout the year over and over again. The women’s division of volleyball started in 1949 while the senior women’s volleyball started in 1977.
The game of volleyball was introduced in Europe by the American Troops during the first world war. Volleyball is one important sport of the American and when the American troops settled in Europe they started spreading this game. The Federation Internationale de Volleyball (FIVB) was organized in Paris in 1947 and then this body was moved to Lausanne, Switzerland in 1984. USVBA was one of the 13 charter members of FIVB whose membership grew to more 210 members by the late 20th century.
The first international volleyball game was played in 1913 with the first Far East Games in Manila. During the 1900s and continuing until world war II volleyball in Asia was played on larger out and lower nets. The FIVB sponsors the world championship of volleyball leading to the spreading of this game. Volleyball became the part of the Olympic games in 1964 in Tokyo for both men and women.
Volleyball is a fun sport and easy to learn game that can be by people of every generation and can be played in a gym, at the beach, or on the grass. Playing volleyball will help improve our cardio, flexibility, balance and coordination.
# Volleyball Practice Tips
# Serving Rule in Volleyball
# Basic Volleyball Tutorial