Esports Latest Updates : Valorant is going through rank decay find out the reality


In a short period of time, the game Valorant, which is regarded as one of the biggest in the world, has advanced to a new level.

If media claims are to be accepted, Valorant Mobile Version is ready to return to the market, which would be a tremendous boost for players.

Just in case you’re brand-new to the world of Valorant, competitive ranking in Valorant is determined in two different ways: rank mode, and your hidden MMR.


Based on reports in different media outlets, there is no rank decay in Valorant which simply means if you have reached at the immortal stage and couldn’t continue due to some reasons you will not forwarded towards Ascendant ranking mode but there is one condition applied that gap should be of 1 month only not more than that.

Your rank will not change at all but your opponents against whom you will be playing will get change for sure.

“Variance is how confident we are in your MMR,” he explained. “The higher your variance, the further you may match up with players, and gain/lose MMR as well. It’s how we tell the range at which you play. If you have high variance we are probably less sure about where you belong.” said one of the players associated with the game.

The main justification for why some players want to engage in combat with opponents who are two ranks above and below them is this. Players can get their lost MMR back using this excellent strategy.