Renowned Indian cricket commentator and pundit Aakash Chopra, who has made a successful career for himself after retiring from the international circuit as a cricket, was trolled by a fan on Sunday during the third ODI between India and Australia. After Indian skipper Virat Kohli took a stunning catch in the game to dismiss Marnus Labuschagne, Chopra tweeted in praise of the Delhi player, only to be greeted with wrath by a fan.
What. A. Catch. Which followed a couple of outstanding saves that kept Marnus on strike. #Kohli #IndvAus
— Aakash Chopra (@cricketaakash) January 19, 2020
After the catch in the 32nd over of the innings, Chopra took to Twitter and lauded Kohli’s efforts. The catch was a one-handed take, where the fielder dived to his right. However, one of Chopra’s followers stated that he was biased as he praised Kohli’s catch in the 3rd ODI but had not praised Manish Pandey, who had taken another wonderful one-handed catch in the 2nd ODI. The fan suggested that Kohli had not acknowledged Pandey’s stunner, and, hence, was Kohli’s “chamcha.”
Hello Mr chamcha of virat Kohli why you not tweeted when pandeyji takes a superb catch in last match
— SHASHANK TIWARI (@imSRTiwarii) January 19, 2020
“What. A. Catch. Which followed a couple of outstanding saves that kept Marnus on strike. #Kohli #IndvAus,” Chopra had tweeted, to which the fan replied, “Hello Mr chamcha of virat Kohli why you not tweeted when pandeyji takes a superb catch in last match.”
Sorry. I pledge to tweet on every great catch taken in 2020. ?
Get a life, dude. I was on commentary when Pandey ji took that catch and called it. And Praised it. I don’t tweet while commentating.— Aakash Chopra (@cricketaakash) January 19, 2020
Chopra was not amused and did not mince words to call out the one who had trolled him. “Sorry. I pledge to tweet on every great catch taken in 2020.
Get a life, dude. I was on commentary when Pandey ji took that catch and called it. And Praised it. I don’t tweet while commentating.”
Team India scripted a strong comeback in the series after they had lost the first ODI by a margin of 10 wickets at Mumbai. The Men in Blue were clinical in the next two matches as they pitched in with dominant showings in Rajkot and then at Bengaluru to seal the series 2-1.