5 Qualities That Set Virat Kohli Apart As Cricketer and Captain


#3 Emphasis On Fitness

Virat’s success on the cricket field is not down to his talent alone. It’s a lot down to the hard work he has put behind the scenes.

The Indian captain believes that having cricketing skills is a gift, but if the skills aren’t enhanced with proper fitness, a cricketer can’t do justice to his talent 100%.

Not only has Virat worked on his own fitness which has obviously helped him take his game to a different level as a batsman, he has made sure the other Indian players also emphasize on fitness.

He has introduced the yo-yo test as a compulsory criterion for selection in the Indian team. If you fail the yo-yo test, it doesn’t matter how talented you are or what your current form is, you won’t get selected.

Some people might not agree to the concept of the yo-yo test, but what it has done is it has transformed India into one of the best fielding sides in the world and the credit for that goes to none other than Virat.


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