During one of the practice sessions of Mumbai Indians at Wankhede Stadium on Tuesday, Rohit Sharma was seen limping off the field holding his right thigh. What appeared like a muscle pull, Rohit lay flat on the ground holding his head in pain. The team’s appointed Physiotherapist Nitin Patel rushed to attend Sharma.
After receiving some treatment on the ground, Sharma was seen going back to his dressing room on his own and did not return to practice session again. Mumbai Indians will be facing Kings XI Punjab today in Mumbai and fans don’t know if Sharma will be playing or not. An official statement about his injury is still awaited.
This incident is a second scare off for Indian cricket team as the ICC Cricket World Cup is scheduled after IPL 2019. First scare was Indian team’s top bowler Jasprit Bumrah’s injury in which he had injured his left arm.
Physiotherapists from all the franchises are instructed to inform Indian fitness support staff about any injury suffered by any World Cup prospects from the Indian team. With only two and a half weeks between IPL 2019 and the World Cup 2019, the team needs to be in full form.
Currently, Rohit Sharma has been in his decent form this IPL season. He has not managed to get his big score yet. He has managed 118 runs in five matches.
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