The Road Safety World Series that was being played in Mumbai and featured former legendary players like Brian Lara, Jonty Rhodes and Sachin Tendulkar has been cancelled due to the coronavirus outbreak in India. On Wednesday, the state of Maharashtra recorded ten fresh cases of the deadly disease, which led to the event being cancelled until a convenient time in the future, in either May or October.
A source told The Press Trust of India (PTI) that the event was called off keeping in mind the safety of both the players and the fans.
“In the interest of public safety, the organisers have agreed to reschedule the remaining matches. These matches will be played when the situation will be conducive to hold them,” the source said.
Earlier in the day, it had been reported that the matches would be held within closed doors, ie, without any fans attending the matches. The remaining games were to be played at the MCA Stadium in Pune and the Dr DY Patil Stadium in Navi Mumbai.
Due to the outbreak of the coronavirus, a number of sporting events around the globe and in India have been cancelled. The ongoing ODI series between India and South Africa will be held behind closed doors as well. The first ODI between the two sides was washed out due to rain on Thursday in Dharamsala. The last two matches will be held in Lucknow and Kolkata on March 15 and March 18 respectively.
There is a huge question mark over the staging of the Indian Premier League as well, with the Indian government advising the BCCI not to gather huge crowds in venues. The matches, thus, might be played behind closed doors for the first few weeks but a final decision will be taken only on Saturday when the IPL Governing Council meets with all eight franchise owners.