India’s young table tennis player Manav Thakkar has reached the world’s number one ranking in the Under-21 singles category. The 19-year-old paddler achieved the feat in the latest rankings after winning the ITTF Challenge plus Benemax Vargos North American Open in Markham, Canada in December.
Manav Thakkar made history by winning the ITTF Challenge plus the Benex Virgo North American Open title. The second seed Manav defeated Argentina’s Martin Bentancor 11–3, 11–5, 11–6 in the men’s under-21 category to clinch the title in Canada in 2018. Manav rewrote the history book as he becomes the first Indian to win this title since 2017. Earlier, Harmeet Desai, G Sathiyan and Soumyajit Ghosh have achieved this accomplishment. Manav was ranked No. 3 in November 2019 and had slipped to the 10th position in December’s rankings.
Earlier in 2018, Manav had another record to his name as he is the only Indian player to be ranked numero ono in the Under-18s in February 2018. It was after this major achievement the youngster had received a call up for the Asian Games squad. He was also a member of the Indian team that won a bronze medal at the Asian Games in Jakarta in 2018.
Other than Manav Thakkar, G Sathian managed to retain his 30th position among the other Indians in the ranking while Achanta Sharath Kamal has moved up one place to 33rd position. Achanta was ranked 34th in December last year.
Top female paddler of the nation Manika Batra held on the 61st position in the women’s section. She was ranked the same at the end of 2019.
The Indian Paddlers are currently sweating out to prepare themselves for the upcoming International event in order to book a spot at the Tokyo Olympics 2020. Achanta Sharath Kamal and Manika Batra are considered to be India’s best bet at the Olympics as far as Table Tennis is concerned.