A Particular VALORANT Squad Reigns Supreme in VCT Champions Viewership


Following a disappointing performance at Masters Tokyo in June, LOUD is in the midst of a remarkable resurgence at VALORANT Champions. The evident surge in viewership for their matches indicates that fans are thoroughly enjoying cheering for these Brazilian champions.

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Esports Charts, a prominent tracking platform, reveals that the top five VCT Champions matchups with the highest peak viewership have all prominently featured LOUD. This trend doesn’t come as a surprise, considering the engaging nature of LOUD’s gameplay. Notably, their upper bracket clash against Paper Rex on August 19 stands out as a particularly thrilling encounter, amassing an impressive peak viewership of 857,941.

The subsequent playoffs opener saw LOUD face off against Fnatic, capturing the attention of 842,815 viewers at its zenith. The allure of the match’s intense plays managed to captivate a substantial audience across varying time zones.

What became evident during these encounters was LOUD’s mastery of strategic shutdowns, reminiscent of their dominant form at VALORANT Champions 2022. Their ability to leave even formidable opponents like Fnatic dumbfounded was a testament to their prowess.

LOUD’s showdown with EDward Gaming in the lower round of playoffs was another nail-biter. Despite the Chinese powerhouse taking a lead in the series, LOUD’s tenacity allowed them to level the score 1-1 on the Split map. With only a deciding map left to ascertain the fate of both teams, the competition reached a fever pitch.

Ultimately, the Brazilian team emerged victorious from the contest, though it’s worth noting that EDG’s KangKang’s overly aggressive approach in the final rounds influenced the outcome. The closely contested series provided exhilarating entertainment on both fronts, justifying its placement as the third most-viewed matchup. LOUD’s clashes against Natus Vincere and DRX in the group stages secured the fourth and fifth spots, respectively.

Regardless of the end results, LOUD’s performance has undeniably drawn significant attention during this Champions season. The heightened viewer counts don’t solely reflect LOUD’s popularity, but also highlight the sheer excitement of these matchups. As anticipation mounts for the upcoming high-stakes rematch between Fnatic and LOUD scheduled for August 24, it’s likely that VCT Champions’ viewership records will once again be shattered.