Kho Kho Rules & Regulation | Kho Kho Game Points & Fouls

Kho Kho Rules

Kho Kho Rules & Regulation

Kho Kho Rules & Regulation : Kho Kho is one of the Highly popular and common games in most of the Indian rural locations for a long time now. It is highly recommended for people to try Kho Kho at least once in a lifetime because it allows them to enjoy a strategic game to play without compromising on the health aspects on a regular basis.

It is not necessary to buy expensive gas and equipment in order to play Kho Kho but it requires a good amount of Intelligence in order to increase the speed and decrease to win the game from time to time. Most of the people would prefer to play Kho Kho because it allows them to burn an ample amount of calories in the body and improve the reflection aspects in an effective play

How to Play Kho Kho?

Kho Kho is a rural game which has been played for a long time in both National and international levels in an effective way. It is highly recommended for people to know well about the game in terms of rules and restrictions because it helps them to get prepared in a fun way to win the game on a regular basis.

the game is originated somewhere and Maharashtra are known to have taken at first international level meet in Vijayawada in the early 20th century. There are various benefits of playing the game and it is important for people to maintain physical fitness in order to play for a long span of time without hassles.

Rules of Kho Kho

  • Step 1 – Both teams will be comprised of 8 – 9 players age and the actual game play will be played with 8 players and 1 player as a substitute. both the teams will be starting the game by having affair toss which will decide the toss winner choose either to defend or to change the opponent in an effective way.


  • Step 2 – If the winning team closest to change the opponents first, they will have to set up an 8 member team to change the opponent team for a span of 12 minutes between the brakes. There will be two innings provided for both atoms and the highest team. Gainer will be declared as the game-winner in an effective play.


  • Step 3 – Another Kho Kho Rules is that the game starts by changing the opponent with the help of other team members in the straight direction. The defender will have an option to cut the line and change the direction in order to avoid getting out or touched by the opponent. It is important for the change to utilise a maximum number of options by giving passes to other team members because it helps them to take the printout in eclipse span of time.


  • Step 4 – that 12-minute innings allows people to counterpoint and declared the leading team without compromising on the deadline. It is important for both the teams to evaluate the time requirement well in advance because it allows them to avoid all outs in an effective way. It is highly recommended for every player on the team to make use of their fellow player because it helps them to gain more points and to win the game is a good span of time.

Kho Kho Players


The number of players is usually chosen between 8 to 12 where some of the top tournaments would be in need of more substitutes to Resume the game during accident or injuries from time to time. Most of the teams in the country are now only went to play of the game while keeping 4 players as a substitute to replace depending on the requirement on a regular basis. It is highly recommended for people to have a Perfect Combination of defenders and changes effectively because it plays a crucial role to enjoy the expertise without compromising on the game quality in an easy way.

Kho Kho Teams

Kho Kho is one of the Peaceful and highly intellectual games which has been recommended for most of the kids and others in order to improve body reflex from time to time. It is important for people to know well about the rules before starting the game because it allows them to make use of techniques and strategies to win the game in an easy way. The game is played between two teams and two innings where the maximum number of. Gainer will be declared as the winner in an effective way.

  • Defence – It is important for every player to understand the meaning of Defender before playing the game because it helps them to serve the purpose and gain more number of points in a quick span of time. defenders will have to stay away from changes because it provides an extra point for them to succeed in the game in an easy way. It is highly recommended for defenders to have a sufficient amount of reflex in the body because it allows them to change the direction to keep the game active in an effective way. It is highly recommended for people to have a Basic Instinct while playing the game because a perfect forecast of the opponent helps him or her to change the direction based on the necessity on a regular basis.

Every evening will have a time span of 12 minutes and it is important for the defender to keep the game active without getting touched from the opponent in an effective way. It is highly recommended for people to stay active and act depending on the opponent’s behaviour because it helps them to waste the time and two different without affecting the point structure from time to time.

  • Chasers – Chasers are the opponents of Defender, whose responsibility is to touch the defender while the game is active in an effective way. It is highly recommended for every chaser to have enough forecast of the defender while playing the game because it helps them to give a perfect pass to gain points in a quick span of time. It is important for every individual to understand the basics responsibility of business visa because it helps them to understand the opponent behaviour in order to finish the game without compromising on the point structure on a regular basis. Most of the trains believe in playing with one goal and strategy while chasing the opponent because it is necessary to block the opponent in various ways to gain points in an easy way.

Kho Kho Time Duration

The time duration of the play is heavily dependent on the tournament level and it is important for every player to have a fair idea about the time consumption in an effective way. Most of the common Kho Kho game is played for 12 minutes per innings without considering breaks because it helps them to finish the game in a quick span of time. as the game requires a lot of stamina and energy in order to play for a long span of time, it is important to have the necessary amount of innings in order to find the best performance from both the teams in an effective way.

Breaks – There will be a break of 2 minutes or more for both the teams between the innings which can be taken in order to plan the next technique or strategy to gain more points and win the game in an easy way. Most of the people would prefer to use a substitute in order to avoid streaming better player because it allows them to use it in the final stage to make more points in an effective way.

Kho Kho has been a popular game for most of the people because it allows them to evaluate the Intelligence and body reflex in a good span of time. It is highly recommended for every kid and adult to try Kho Kho at least once in their lifetime because it helps them to enjoy the actual fun of body reflex and guesswork in an effective way. It is important for every player in the game to have enough observation of the opponent’s behaviour because it helps them to take more points without compromising on the game result from time to time.

Kho Kho Rules

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