Jawahar Dagar is a professional kabaddi player who plays as a defender. The player made his debut for Jaipur Pink Panthers in Pro Kabaddi Season 4, but since then he has been an essential part of Patna Pirates for 3 seasons and will yet again take the mat as a Pirate in Pro Kabaddi Season 7.
Personal Profile
Date of birth- May 2, 1995
Nationality- Indian
Weight- 57 kg
Height- 155 cms
Position- Defender
Teams Played for
Season 4: Jaipur Pink Panthers
Season 5: Patna Pirates
Season 6: Patna Pirates
Season 7: Patna Pirates
Total matches played- 39
Total earned points- 60
Most points in a match- 5
Not out percentage- 70
Total raids- 30
Successful raids- 0
Super 10’s- 0
Total raid points- 9
Average raid per match- 0.23
Total tackles – 140
Number of super tackles- 6
Total tackle points- 51
Average tackles per match- 1.15
Tackle strike rate- 36.42
Season Wise Statistics:
Raiding career
Tackling Career