Dabur is 0ne 0f the biggest Ayurvedic medication and regular buyer items producer 0f India. M0hit Burman, wh0 possesses 46% 0f the 0ffers in Kings XI Punjab, is the head 0f Dabur India Ltd. Ness Wadia (Bombay Dyeing) Ness Wadia’s Bombay Dyeing is the lead 0rganizati0n 0f the Wadia Gr0up. Ness Wadia is additionally 0ne 0f the c0–0wners 0f Kings XI Punjab. He at present h0lds 23% 0f 0ffers in the franchise. B0llyw00d entertainer Preity Zinta is effectively the m0st c0nspicu0us face related with Kings XI Punjab because 0f her en0rm0us fame in the Indian entertainment w0rld. She is frequently seen visiting Kings XI Punjab matches, be it their h0me installations 0r away. Preity Zinta is the auth0r 0f a creati0n 0rganizati0n PZNZ Media, which has been a c0–0wner 0f the Punjab-based side since 2008. According t0 the m0st recent appraisals, PZNZ Media additionally possesses a 23% stake in the mainstream IPL gr0up. Karan Paul (Apeejay Surrendra Gr0up) Karan Paul is the executive 0f the Apeejay Surrendra Gr0up, which claims 8% stake in Kings XI Punjab. Apeejay Surrendra Gr0up is an exclusive privately-run c0mpany and it was established in 1910. It is 0ne 0f India’s m0st established and biggest business aggregates. As per statista.c0m, Kings XI Punjab’s image esteem is assessed t0 be ar0und US$51 milli0n (₹388 cr0re) as 0f December 2019
The maj0r sp0ns0r 0f this team include the Ebix cash as title sp0ns0r. Further JIO, dream 11, B0at are the principle sp0ns0rs 0f this team. 0ther partners which are a part 0f this team are T10 sp0rts, Colgate, K0tak, BKT, Tech Mahindra, Fan C0de etc.