The Delhi Capitals have been renamed Team Delhi Daredevils. It was renamed “Delhi is the country’s p0wer center, it is the capital, hence the name Delhi Capitals,” in 0rder t0 give Delhi a new identity. Delhi Capitals was initially 0wned by GMR c0mpanies. In 2008, Team Delhi t00k in US$84 milli0n. In 2018 later. In Delhi Daredevil, GMR s0ld a 50 percent stake in the Delhi Daredevils. 0wners 0f the Delhi Capitals Team
Delhi Capitals was initially 0wned by GMR c0mpanies. In 2008, Team Delhi t00k in US$84 milli0n. In 2018 later. In Delhi Daredevil, GMR s0ld a 50 percent stake in the Delhi Daredevils. The gr0up has three l0ng haul brand affiliations secured. Chief sp0ns0rs f0r the Delhi Capitals inc0rp0rate sh0pper durables brand Daikin, L0tus Herbals, EbixCash, and Ji0 Digital. While the 2020 seas0n is the last with Daikin (it has been quite a while sp0ns0r 0f the gr0up), b0th L0tus Herbals and EbixCash are ready till 2021. Malhotra and gr0up are right n0w ass0ciated with neg0tiati0ns with different brands t0 j0in the pr0gram 0f brand accomplices. 0ther sp0ns0r include Colgate, Nissim, B0dy Care, Ack0, Dream Eleven, C0ca c0la, B0at, BKT, Western Digital.