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Watch: PCB President “Dushman Mulk” remarks on India ahead of World Cup 2023 creates massive controversy on Social Media

Watch: PCB President "Dushman Mulk" remarks on India ahead of World Cup 2023 creates massive controversy on Social Media

 The Persistent Influence of Politics in Sports:

In an ideal world, sports and politics would remain separate entities, allowing athletes and fans to unite through the spirit of competition. However, the bitter reality often reminds us that this ideal is challenging to achieve. The upcoming ICC World Cup 2023, scheduled to be held in India, is a glaring example of how politics and sports continue to intersect, despite efforts to keep them apart.

There was Press Conference recently held in Pakistani media, which was addressed by current PCB Chief Zaka Ashraf, where answering one of the questions regarding Pakistani team, he stated “Players hain inka morale humesha upar rehne chaiye jab yeh kisi dishman mulk main jaaye jab yeh kisi dushman Mulk main jaaye jaha woh compete kar rhe ho, they should go with full support of the nation taaki woh ache tarike se perform kar sake. 



Ashraf’s comments have not gone unnoticed on social media platforms, where Indian and Pakistani Twitterati users engaged in heated exchanges. Some Pakistani voices even expressed their disregard for his statements, emphasizing that they do not represent the sentiments of the entire nation. The controversy has undoubtedly cast a shadow on Pakistan’s cricketing prospects in the World Cup, overshadowing the warm welcome the team received in India.

Lessons in Diplomacy: Babar Azam’s Appreciation and the Path Forward:

While the controversy may persist, Pakistan’s cricketing captain, Babar Azam, demonstrated a more diplomatic stance. He praised India’s hospitality, setting an example of sportsmanship that transcends borders. As the team readies itself for the competition, it is a reminder that sports should be a unifying force, and stakeholders in both countries must strive to ensure that politics takes a backseat during this prestigious tournament. Learning from past incidents, it is essential for all involved parties to work towards a harmonious and politically neutral ICC World Cup 2023, where the only battles fought are on the cricket pitch.

This statement seriously came as the embarrassment from Pakistan cricket stakeholders as the team received humongous welcome in India for World Cup in 2023.

Even Skipper Babar Azam appreciated India’s Hospitality but still few stakeholders in Pakistan needs to learn the lesson I Guess.

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